Recert raises the bar for EMS continuing education—come see how. 

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Recert Courses are:

  • Accredited: All Recert courses are nationally accredited by CAPCE, the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (formerly CECBEMS). Almost every state accepts CAPCE credits.  
  • Applicable:Every Recert course fulfills a National Registry of EMTs NCCP requirement and/or meets a documented need in the profession.
  • Interactive: Every Recert course is interactive, from game-based learning and patient simulations, to live patient videos and critical-thinking scenarios. 
  • Relevant: The evidence-based content in Recert aligns with recognized medical standards, guidelines, and protocols.   
  • Transformative: Recert offers true continuing education that can be applied in the field. It expands on the initial education curriculum and challenges learners to advance their training.


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